State Farm Auto Insurnce
Automobile Accident and Personal Injury

Business & Finance

I am writing this letter because I don’t know where else to turn. I was recently the victim in an automobile accident. On my way home from work, on December 15, I was sitting at a red light and a car came from behind and crashed into my automobile. The vehicle was driven by a resident of Longview, Texas, who is insured with State Farm Insurance. She was too busy on the cell phone to pay attention to what was in front of her.By the way, she didn’t even receive a ticket for her negligence. Needless to say a police officer arrived and completed a crash report. The next day I went to the Chiropractor because I had a really bad headache and noticed that the muscles in my neck were so tight I could hardly turn my head. I was treated and felt a little better for about two hours after I their office. They set me up for appointments to see them three times a week. On December 17 I went to to my primary physician because of the pain in my neck, head and back. The doctor prescribed pain medication and told me that I might be suffering from whiplash symptoms due to the automobile accident. I took the medications as ordered and went to the Chiropractor three times a week for months only to realize the pain was increasing. I have been treated with electrical stimulation, cold/heat pads, massages and acupuncture. Of the above, the massages and acupuncture prove to help for about 4 hours then the pain starts again. Because I was not an expert in the field of personal injury due to car accidents I retained an attorney (? And Associates) in hopes that they would insure that my automobile would be repaired and all medical costs due to my accident would be covered as well as the pain and suffering I endured. Boy was I in for a shock. My primary physician referred me to several medical specialist physicians because of their expertise in their fields to help me get relief. I had MRIs and other medical procedures done, but I was still in pain. The pain increased as well as spread to my lower back. I was shuffled around to specialist after specialist for my pain and out of more and more money. State Farm, the other party’s insurance company paid none of my medical bills. The only thing they did was pay to have my automobile repaired and they covered the costs of the rental vehicle. My insurance company (Allstate, who I applaud for their quick action and concern) sent me a personal injury check but the attorney took their portion and I was left with the small amount to continue to pay for doctor visits because my insurance would not cover any cost and State Farm paid NOTHING. After months of doctor visits I was told that I had a herniated disc, Fibromyalgia and arthritis. Prior to the accident I didn’t have pain like I have now. As a matter of fact, I played co-ed softball, worked out at gyms and walked at least six miles a week. Now walking or even standing for over 5 minutes at a time hurts me so bad that I have to sit and then it hurts to get up. My muscles in my shoulders are always so tight the feel like bricks. The pain runs up my neck up to the top of my head. It is very hard for me to perform household chores that were once simple such as sweeping, mopping and vacuuming. Bending over and down are nearly impossible. My lower back always hurts and burns. I can’t tell you how many days I have missed from work because the pain is so bad it takes everything I’ve got to get out of bed and some days I am unable to. The medications that I have to take have side effects of drowsiness and most of the time I don’t even know how I make it to work or even function when I am there. I am so stressed because of all of the doctor bills over $15,000 that I don’t know what to do. Because of the long period most of them have been put on my credit report which reflects negative for me. I paid some of them in hopes that the insurance (State Farm) would step up and take responsibility for their client’s actions and reimburse me but they didn’t and now I am behind on all of my bills. I am a law abiding citizen, who has done everything that I know to do to try to make a better life for me and my son, but I keep getting knocked down. It has turned out to me more than I can handle. I put myself through school while I was going through a divorce and have thousands of dollars owed on student loans. I have been so depressed because I don’t know what I am going to do. Since the accident my whole life has changed and for the worst. The reason I am writing is because of the unfair treatment of insurance companies. Why are they allowed to charge ridiculously high rates and not be made to take responsibility for the negligent actions of their clients in automobile accidents? Unlike some, I am truly a victim here and my life has been changed because of something I was not responsible for. I went to three attorneys and they all told me they could not take my case because Fibromyalgia was not a favored condition with judges. Why is this so? I had no symptoms or even pains before the accident. I could understand if I was faking but I am not. I swear to this. I wish there was some kind of machine they could hook me up to enable to see the pain that I am in daily. Since my diagnosis I have read up on Fibromyalgia and have learned several things. • Fibromyalgia causes can be linked to genetics, infections or brought on my physical or emotional trauma.• Fibromyalgia syndrome affects muscles and soft tissue. Fibromyalgia symptoms include chronic pain in the muscles, fatigue, sleep problems, and painful tender points or trigger points at certain parts of the body. • Currently, there is no cure for fibromyalgia. But there are steps you can take to understand your condition and manage your symptoms. Treatment is focused on managing pain, fatigue, depression, and other symptoms common in fibromyalgia in an attempt to break the cycle of increased sensitivity to pain and decreased physical activity ( My complaint is against State Farm. I would like to make this issue known because I know that I am not the only person who has had the same kind of issue with them. How can they be allowed to not pay for damages one of their clients has caused and get away with it? I am sending this letter to as many people or agencies that I can think of in hopes of some type of relief. If there is anyone who can help me or have an interest in stopping this kind of scam please let me know. I listed my contact information at the beginning of this letter. Please help me.

Sincerely in pain

Company: State Farm Auto Insurnce
Country: USA
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