Fairbanks Capital
Ripoff Liars Cheaters Overbillers

Business & Finance

I too have had many problems with Fairbanks and it started after my mortagage was sold to them by Superior Bank. It was my first mortagage and everything was going great until the loan company from HELL took over.

All of a sudden after a year my taxes were not paid and I go a sheriff sale notice for my taxes. I start to investiagte tell the they were paid I have copies of the checks in the process I refuse to pay any of their late fees because they took to long to get back to me. Phone call, after phone call, fax after fax and still to no avail. Ok then they pay the taxes because it is escrowed they had no choice, well guess what next thing I know is they are sending me a bill for 900.00 for taxes saying I have a year to pay for them, but they were escrowed before you got my loan and I had no problems all of a sudden a year later there is a problem.

Then in order to recoup the monies they took it upon themselves to now add 107.68 payment to my mortagage for a year.in going through this they are also telling me I have a DIS loan I told them I do not. My loan is fixed period and it state if I am late I am to pay a 5.00 fee after the 20th of the month. They still refuse to list they have accummulated so called lated fee. NO NO NO they have 96.00 they must be crazy I have not paid them and have no intenetions of paying them, because I know they are lying and ripping people off.

So they send me a paper saying I owe this money in a year it will be paid off. Ok a year goes they tell me my mortagage payment has jumped by 100.00 since I took it out. So, now I am paying a different amount and now they com back again and tell me I owe the money for taxes again that my escrow balance is -104.00. This is bull. You have raised my mortage which should include the new amount of my taxes paid, which should be escrowed. Then you charged me another 900.00 for taxes you say are back taxes but I have paperwork and checks showing these were paid. I know for a fact that I use to pay my property taxes and homeowner myself and it was only 1186.00 a year, which my first mortagage company had escrowed at 98.00 a month which is right.

Now all of a sudden I am up to 130.00 to 140.00 for escrow of my taxes, but they have not change and my homeowners insurance did not change. I am so praying that God opens a window to help me get away from these people, because on top of all the rest I have an interest rate of 11.4%. With all that is happening with them I would hope that some mortage company (like the lady said they lie and say you are late when you are not) would give us a chance to change. I am single parent, taking care of my father who has cancer and I just do not have the energy to keep arguing with this sick people.

Company: Fairbanks Capital
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Address: P.O. Box 9001710
Phone: 8006359698
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