Gmac Mortgage
GMAC Forecloses on Disabled Woman-Now Facing Homelessness!

Business & Finance

Ihavebeen documenting my experience as a 52 year old Slidell, Louisiana woman who is disabled and trying to acquireassistance with housing, with an eviction looming from GMAC Mortgage.

Myhusbandand I taped an interviewwith "Action Reporter" Bill Capo, from WWL-TV Channel 4 (New Orleans). On Thursday, June 16th, this feature aired on the 10:00 P.M. News. This whole interview tookabout 3hours to complete. I was able to tell my story in itsentirety to Mr. Capo and he was ready with all the right questions. Of course, it was edited and much of our lengthyinterview was omitted due to the constrictions of television. Theedited result can be viewed on line at the WWL-TV web site under"Action Reports".

Our foreclosure took placeon April 28, right after we celebrated our 8th weddinganniversary. Now we await the forthcoming eviction notice from GMAC Morgage... Any day now.

Ibeganmyresearch after the sheriff came to our door inJanuary of this year with a foreclosure notice from our mortgage company, GMAC. Sincethen, my effortsare continuing to learn about my options as adisabled individual and trying to find programs thatcould save our home. We knew there were programs out there, and wetrusted GMAC to submit us to any programs that may assist us in keepingour home.

We provided ourincome information to them as soon as the foreclosure process began. The sale of our home was set for April 28th. On the 27th, GMACinformed us they needed more information. My husband scrambled aroundto fulfill their request, faxed 9 pages to GMAC, and then called toconfirm that GMAC had received the information.

The next day, wewere told that we were "denied" by everyone and we lost our home. Iwas a little suspicious, as they certainly didn't have enough time (literally overnight) to submit us anywhere. Ihave repeatedly asked for the documentation of who they submitted us toand why we were denied, to no avail. One day, I got Mary on the phonefrom GMAC. She informed us that we were never submitted to anyone... Sothere was no denial! Conveniently, she did state that they hadreceived the paperwork they requested, but it was dated the 29th—theday after the foreclosure! We knew that we provided this on the 27th.

Thefunny thing is, Mr. Capo spoke with the attorney representing our mortgage company, GMAC. She confirmedthat our home had been foreclosed on and we will soon be evicted. Mr. Capoasked what will happen to our home, will it be put up for sale? Heranswer shocked him—our home is becoming a HUD home! He has suggestedto all parties involved that we be allowed to stay put and has now reached out to HUD about this situation. We'll see...

Thisemailwassent to everyone in my address book, asking for my story to beforwarded to everyone they know. And it was sent to any federal, stateand local government offices, and every organization that Icould findthat deals with advocacy, disability issues, and consumer affairs. Ialso contacted our local media, as well as newspapers, magazines, talk shows and news programsnationally.

At the age of 52 and disabled, I am facing homelessness. Thanks, GMAC.

Company: Gmac Mortgage
Country: USA
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