Another victim robbed by ripoff company

Business & Finance

I was lied to when I set up my account with Leasecomm. I had a trade show business, and had the concern of people being able to cancel their credit card transactions. I was assured that this could not happen without my being notified and able to give my side of the story to fight the cancellation. Some of my vendors would charge their booth rentals for a show.

When reconciling my bank statement after a show, there was a debit for $595.00, I called to inquire as to what the debit was and was informed that it was a credit card cancellation. I called the credit card company and they told me who the charge back was.

I notified her and she said she cancelled it because she did not get the business out of the show that she thought she should have. I was never notified. She participated in the show. I cannot guarantee what type of sales volume one might get.

I called the credit card company and told them to pick up the machine that they had done exactly what I had been afraid of. I was then told that the contract was non-cancellable.

I told them the story, that I had been lied to, and was misrepresented. They basically said, too bad. I have been harrassed for 6 years, they froze my bank account 2 weeks ago and took all my money. They say I owe $8100.00. Help!!

Company: Leasecomm
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Waltham
Address: 950 Winter St
Phone: 7818900369
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