Auto Relief Group
Said they would help me with my car however all they did was help put me more in debt

Business & Finance

I like most people now days lost my job and was unable to make my car payments saw this advertisement about this company that could help so I called and got information and it sounded awesome like a dream come ture to help me get back on track. I decided to use there services (I wish I had the internet than to do research) I sent them there $99.00 and was going to send the rest the following week the day after I sent the money I got a phone call saying that they could not help me that I would get a refund in 10 days that was on May 6 I waited 10 days and started calling ever day the answer I got was they changed there systems over and my refund got stuck in the system that they will issue it they keep coming up with excuse after excuse as to why I do not have my refund this has been a long 10 days. Every time you as for a supervisor they say they are in a meeting or policy is they take your name and number and have them call you back I have done customer service and been a supervisor for 10 years that bull! Other consumers beware please do not use this company if you are in my situation please go another route.

Company: Auto Relief Group
Country: USA
Phone: 8776239036
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Auto Relief Group
ARG Fraudulently charged my account

Auto Relief Group
ARG is a scam, they will not provide you with any assistant

Shoppers systems
Secret shoppers, (shoppers systems) scam internet

Shoppers Systems
Consumer Report

Shopper systems
Consumer Report

Paid for a phone back that I never received. Company was rude and lied on several occasions
Ne refund, poor policies!

Buyers Union
Premier Movie Pass - Charged my account $119.90 before I could review the material. Requested a refund but they fail to send it

Auto Marketing Systems
AMS listed my vehicle for 90 days. If it did not sell they agreed to refund the money, which they have not

Auto Relief Group
ARG Did not provide service I paid fo