CCS First International Card
Ripoff There is no website for investigation of merchandise rip off Las Vegas Navada

Business & Finance

Unfortunately I am credit challenged. I thought this might be a way of building credit. I did call the card activation number: 1 800-717-1278, and had my card activated.

Then directed once again to another number 702 615-2660 where I heard a recording of once I sent them money ($199.99) that my card would be in effect, 3 weeks later I would recieve a cataloge, neccessary papers for ordering merchandise, advance cash, etc.

I was feeling pretty good about myself, until I decided to find or attempt to find their site, to see what kinds of merchandise they offer. Ooopps that when I came upon this site, showing me I had been scammed. I have not given any bank account numbers though and have not sent any money. I will cancel my account just to make sure. This was not one of my brighter moments

Company: CCS First International Card
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 61 W. Utah St. Ste 63
Phone: 8007171278
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First National Card
Took $200.00 out of my bank account and sent me a fraud card. I have no phone number to contact anyone except a recording Ripoff

First National Card
This company told me how I had recieved a line of credit to buy their merchandise and have a cash on demad card up to a thousand dollars. They told me because of my credit they would waive the activation fee of 200 dollars. Ripoff

CCS Credit Service Division
Sent me a credit card called First National Card For merchandise with $6,500 limit ripoff

First National Card
The First National Merchant Card ripoff scam. Their new telephone numbers

Union Workers Credit Services
They asked for $37.00 for a credit card and come to find out it was for credit on merchandise. We have not received anything else from them. How can they do that to people. I Think It Was Texas

Usa Credit
Usa credit scammed me Internet

United Platinum
Will rip you off if you're not careful Rip-off

Cca Credit Department
Ripoff tried to bill my bank account for a card that is only a cataloge credit card, rip-off lisrs!

CCA - First National Merchant Credit Card

International Product Registry
I paid 31.95 for merchandise that was not delivered