Wells Fargo
Big fraud

Business & Finance

Wells Fargo Change plan is just a total laugh, there individuals are probably the most do nothing customer support you'll actually observed. We'd never overlooked a cost or been overdue since 2002 whenever we joined the House Affordabilty Plan as a result of work reduction with decreased payment instructions from Wells Fargo and six months later we obtain a notice stating we're instantly experiencing fourclosure, we believed we were in evaluation. We'd never received one-piece of correspondance from Wells Fargo and talked for them every fourteen days resubmitting documentaion we delivered two earlier repeatedly again. Looking to get and revise that never transformed from "Its being examined" with a couple of horrible fools! These folks cannot mean loan modification.

In my own humble view the program is desingnd to place you into fourclosure therefore the banks may market your home in a reduction simply to be re-embursed purchase the national government. The Us Government today possesses over 70% of all of the house morgages in the united states because there dominate of Freddie & Fannie. The program is nothing lacking fraud, do not get pull in! There's a lot more towards the story-you would not think.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
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