CBCS Collection Agency Lansing MI
CBCS Collection Agency Columbus OH Threatened me with police action when requesting addresses and phone numbers

Business & Finance

A rep called me around a month ago saying I owed a company but could not provide me with the information, but eventually agreed to send me the information in the mail. I got a call today saying they sent me the information twice and that I was now in default and needed to pay now. I got frustrated and agreed to pay the $58.13 to get this matter done with. After they got all my checking information, the conversation took a real turn. They refused to send me any further information, and then refused to give me any corporate headquarters information. I searched the web and found the corp info and called them. They have no record of me or an account with the company. When I called back numerous times to get more info, they Mrs. Harley threatened to call the local police department.

Watch out for this company, they threaten, and want to know all my business information as well as my DBA, under the pretense of "Oh we are just updating our information".

Company: CBCS Collection Agency Lansing MI
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 236 East Town Street
Phone: 8009336773
Site: cbcsnational.com
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