Premiere Credit Company
Slimy, Greedy, Scummy, Lies. All Lies

Business & Finance

I have been on a three year battle with these greedy sleazeballs. Finally the end has come after a long and weary last few months of trying to get them off me. It all started with a few clicks online. Apparently that's all that's required these days to plunge one's own financial destiny into the abyss of never ending ruin.
That's precisely what these people will give you should you be gullable enough to sign the paperwork too. I thought I was doing myself a favor and getting on the right track with my credit. Yeah, turns out that was never gonna happen.
I used this card maybe three or four times to make 20 or 30 dollar purchases each time. Guess how much they took me for? Oh around 1200 bucks or so over the course of three years.
Yeah, I paid these slimeballs over 1200 dollars all in all so they could provide me with the illusion they were helping me those few times I needed a twenty or something for groceries or gas. Meanwhile I was paying through the nose in fees, late payment fees, monthly "account maintenance" fees (even though my account was closed for much of the time) 15 dollar "convenience" charges for every time I forgot to send a check and had to pay over the phone (or internet).
Don't fall for this scam. These people will take you for everything your worth if you let them. You will start out with a 70 ballance already 230 dollars in the hole and it's all uphill from there. One time one of the scam artists at the call center called me on Christmas EVE!!!
I realize you are not dealing with human beings when this kind of thing is going on. Your dealing with idiots in cubicles 500 miles away who couldn't care less about you or your family. I really got that feeling alot when I was on the phone with these scumbags. Whatever you do, WHATEVER YOU DO! Don't get into debt with these slimy animals or you will regret every second of it!!

Company: Premiere Credit Company
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Sioux Falls
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JD Byrider, CNAC
Thank you for all the trouble you have given me i hope the devil gets your judgement jd byrider