Nco Portofolio Management
Inc. Sold already proven fraud account to another collection agency for further collection pa

Business & Finance

Earlier this year NCO contacted me about a bill. I sent them the proof that the bill could not have been mine. They had United States Army papers that proved where I lived at the time of the bill.

After that NCO sent me abount 6 more different bills from different companies. None of the bills where mine. To me now it has just become harrassment.

So, over the weekend I received a letter from attorneys Javitch, Block and Rathbon. It was for the bill for the original bill NCO had sent me. Now, remember I have already proed this bill does not belong to me. NCO had sold the bill to Javitch, Block and Rathbone. So, now they are trying to collect the same bill.

I called Javitch, Block, and Rathbone. They person over the bill is Megan Harbor. I told she that the bill was a fraud and she needed to connect NCO and ask for them to sent her a copy of the paper the military had sent them. She told me I wa s a lier and hung up the phone.

Company: Nco Portofolio Management
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
Phone: 8002245915
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