Javitch, Block & Rathbone
Lies To Get Money Told me they would accept payment terms, received payment and said they wouldn't accept them Ripoff

Business & Finance

I was involved in a car accident. It was my fault. I had just bought the car and had no insurance on it. I lost my drivers license.

After unsuccessfully trying to make payment arrangements with the lawyers of the other idividuals insurance companies, lawyers: Javitch, Block & Rathbone, I obtained a lawyer. She got them to set up a payment plan with a large intial payment.

I made payments on the plan. Last year I missed a couple payments. I never heard anything from Javitch, Block & Rathbone, so I continued making payments and they kept cashing the checks.

I received a letter from them in march threatening to suspend my license. Even though they were still receiving payments. I offered to pay them $300 immediately trying to get the account with them current, if they would continue to let me make payments and not suspend my license. The representative of thier company I was dealing with told my lawyer they would accept that.

The next day mailed them a check, they received it and cashed it and still filed to have my license suspended. My lawyer called thier represantative and he said they aren't going to accept it. This was AFTER he said they would accept it and cashed my check. He did say they would accept a reasonable offer to pay off the balnce I owe.

If I take them to court it will cost me more money than the offer they want me to give to them. They want an offer of $3000. I have paid them over $1600. The initial damages were $4000, but after interests they are over $6000.

Also, a couple other notes. They have never given me an agreement in writing and refuse to. They will not send me receipts for my payments even after I asked them to.

Company: Javitch, Block & Rathbone
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
Address: 1300 East Ninth St. 14th Floor
Phone: 8668812400
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