Blue Phoenix Group
BPG Ramesh Rangarajan is a big LIE & SCAM located in Singapore

Business & Finance

This company is a big scam based in Singapore. The owner, Ramesh Rangarajan (actual last name is Pattappa), pretends that he's the Chief Investment Officer when he's the CEO. This guy knows about investment stuff & leads you to believe that he's genuine. His website,, states that they did over $31 billion is a LIE. As you can see the site is incomplete and it looks as if a high school kid designed it. Have you ever seen a company that does $31 billion in deals with a website like that?

One of his tricks before issuing the terms for your project is to make you open a company in Singapore. If you don't live in Sing, the cost is several thousands USD. You can do it on your own or hire Ramesh to do it. Obviously he prefers the latter. RED FLAG, RED FLAG & RUN AWAY...

The company is also known as BPG. It's a registered company in Singapore under the name Blue Phoenix Investment Group Pte, Ltd. It registered on 10 Feb. So it's a new company, not old like Ramesh claims. The owner is Ramesh Pattappa but he goes by Ramesh Rangarajan when you deal with him. His profile is on Linkedin, Finroad, etc. The sucker born in 1972 and is an Indian citizen. He lives and works in Singapore. His company registered address at 200 Jalan Sultan belongs to Global Corporate Advisory Pte They have nothing to do with BPG. Ramesh is using false addresses to make you believe that he has several locations.

Why am I posting this? Because I'm fortunate to know a person who got scammed by Ramesh. This person showed me the emails, chats & even a FAKE SWIFT transaction receipt from Ramesh showing he had wired millions to this person's bank. Had I not met this person, I'd be one of his victims.

So if you run across Ramesh or BPG, run away because you will regret it.

Company: Blue Phoenix Group
Country: USA
Address: 200 Jalan Sultan #08-02 Singapore
Phone: 6563115090
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Blue Phoenix Group
BPG Ramesh Rangarajan is a big LIE & SCAM located in Singapore
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