Ocwen Federal Bank FSB
RipOff and Unethical Business Practices by OCWEN Federal Bank and OCWEN Mortagage And Orlando Florida

Business & Finance

There are unethical business practices by Ocwen, Los Angeles, and Florida. The company has been unavailable for any contact or information regarding my account. They are now foreclosing after my sending a check for 3 payments. I have receipt of cashier check that was sent 20 August sent by US Post Office Priority Mail. They returned the amount with check stamped on back with New Jersey and dated 20 August.

The Post Office statement shows the Priority Mail delivered and was signed by Ocwen on 24 August. A letter came from Palm Beach, Florida Attorney's office representing Ocwen. When I called they told me I would not have any information until I returned call on this next Monday. I asked for any amount or ball park figure to get to the bottom of this matter. I was told it could be any amount from $1500 up to $4500 and only if loan would be reinstated. I would not know until this next Monday when I called.

My loan was first originated by Wells Fargo and then to American First, and then Ocwen. I was a first time home buyer and even with good credit at the time Wells Fargo would not carry the loan.

The payments were and are $373.26 with taxes included and the interest rate 10.67. I bought the little house July 2. I asked at that time the payments be due later in month as first of month not convenient. Meaning, I had longer after first to come up with the payment. The amount total owed at present is $31,000. The orginial amount was $41,000. The house belonged to my daughter, then step father, who passed away after my mother. I bought the house from his step-son to settle estate. It was the only way in my lifetime that I could own my own house.

I was behind in a few months and then caught up payments. There were charges that were unreasonable in the amount of $95. And other charges I didn't understand with each month and continued so that I couldn't catch the arrears up. I could not get an explanation from Ocwen other than they were due and owed.

I have only been able to contact the Ocwen one time and never were they available. The internet site has been unavailable.

This last and only letter I received today 02 Sept was sent by Attorney in Palm Beach, FL. It had no letterhead. I then called Ocwen, Los Angeles and transferred I suppose to an Attorney listed in the same letter. He said he was located in Palm Beach, FL. The letter said they were available and to bring my mortage current. The person who is called 'Account Consultant' was not in the least helpful and rude. I asked him why he was defensive as I only wanted to clear up the matter. Actually, I felt sorry for him being so miserable and yet his choice of job. He stated over and over that he answered all questions. I came away more confused as he didn't or couldn't give me an amount to cover all costs or be helpful in the least.

A month ago in July or August I had contacted a law firm working on Class Action in Connecticut and then another in California. I found them on the Internet when entering OCWEN.com

My little house is in central Oregon and I am now in Idaho. Makes for difficulty.

I bought the house because I have been single since 1986, over 61 years old, with no family other than my married kids. There are no others that I could borrow or come up with the entire $31,000 if that is indeed the amount. I do not own a car or have any other means to sell to meet arrangements. Which I don't have at present from Ocwen. I am now in a Masters program student and make ends meet on Financial Aid. I am not sure if I will gain the piece of paper or draw Social Security first.

I contacted an Attorney in Oregon after talking with folks who are working with the California Class Suit. It was also suggested I contact the Attorney General's Office, Fraud Division in Oregon. I am now sending my file to Oregon Attorney and requesting help. I explained that I have no money and would have to owe payment after getting this Foreclosure taken care of in some way and then having to sell property. I also am wanting to file a Class Action Suit in Oregon. I told him I will do whatever is necessary to find or begin to file Class Action in Oregon. I am sure there are more people who have found themselves in this same situation.

I am not Hispanic but know that others have bought houses through Wells Fargo in Oregon and were turned over to American First and then to Ocwen.

None of this makes any sense as the community where house is located is around 5,000 population with next to no jobs available. The market is not so good for work and places to live. There are no surprises with malls planned or anything else as it is a farm community. I came to Idaho to try to work as a 'traffic flagger' which has not happened. I have been living as housekeeper with focus to complete my studies.

In the event you are questioning my ethical values and morals, I can assure you that I am decent and just wanting a good life.

Thank you for your patience in reading my letter. This experience has been unsettling and a disgusting situation. I would hope that Ocwen would do what is right, lawful, and decent. But, in this world there are still those who take advantage and are not decent in any matter or situation. I do want to believe that businesses can be conducted in an honest straightforward manner. Not all companies are like Ocwen.

I sincerely hope everyone the best with dealings with Ocwen.

Thank you.

Homedale, Idaho

Company: Ocwen Federal Bank FSB
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: P.O. Box 514577
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