Ocwen FSB - FDIC OIG - Litton Loan - Judge C.R. Droney
Ocwen FSB - FDIC OIG - Litton Loan - And Judge C.R. Droney Round and round the mulberry bush, the monkey chases the weasel

Business & Finance

I have been watching the Hanson v. Ocwen case since it kicked off in court in February. The lead plaintiffs attorneys have patiently presented page after page of documented evidence to the Court in Hartford, Connecticut at the Courts request. And motion after motion for discovery by Ocwen.

As near as I can tell, Ocwen has yet to produce even one source or supporting document for all its outrageous claims! Another discovery motion was presented by the plaintiffs on August 19, this one asking for stiff monetary fines against Ocwen for non-compliance. As far as I know, Ocwen still is smiling smugly and refusing to produce. I do not know if the fines will be levied or not at this time.

Or is Ocwen unable to produce? In case you missed it, I urge you to go to this url and read the results of this FDIC audit of Ocwen. If you are going to Hartford, print a copy of this report and take it with you, for reasons I will explain later in this report.

Http://www.fdic. Gov/oig/a-rep99/99-010. Pdf

In summary, this audit covered dates from August 1994 to September 1997. Ocwen was unable to produce source documents for the FDIC auditors, resulting in the auditors disallowing hundreds of thousands of dollars of Ocwens phony profits. Keep in mind that only 14 assets and 200 disbursement transactions were audited; just a sampling of Ocwens total business.

If Ocwens accounting practices have not improved, they are in the same situation now with this case. So, they are stonewalling and paying outrageous legal fees to its two high-powered law firms to do it. Makes no sense to me and seems counter-productive to Ocwen itself.

But, hey, if you cannot produce, you cannot produce, right? And, to tell the truth, I have never been able to figure Ocwens methods and how they keep plundering borrowers right under the Feds noses and with the Feds knowledge. Amazing and unbelievable

After Ocwen has plundered, pillaged, and totally destroyed the credit of its borrowers, it seems to have developed a habit of selling notes to a company called Litton Loan. If you get to this company, you are in great trouble! Litton Loan seems to consider every one of its accounts to be Class A deadbeats, requiring nothing short of power tools and dynamite to drag payments from their hostage borrowers.

Of course, Ocwen has paved the way for this impression with its tactics, so I do not know if Litton Loan can be blamed for this attitude. My gut instinct is that Litton Loan is very aware of how these borrowers came to be in their situation and simply does not care! Money in the bank for Litton Loan and more plundering to be done. More robber barons in America!

Now I come to the Honorable Christopher F. Droney, the judge hearing this case. There was some controversy over this judge at the outset due to past ties with Moss Codilis, the former hack lawyers for Ocwen. Judge Droney was not the best choice for this job, but he evidently refused to recuse himself. He seemed to think that he could be fair in this matter; that is coming open to question in my mind lately.

(Moss & Company seems to have evaporated; all the links to their websites go to a dead end. Moss, Codilis lost a class action suit - Jones v Moss, Codilis - for their role in writing those illegal demand and collection letters for Ocwen. I cannot say with certainty what has happened to these guys, but they are named in this ongoing suit as well). I am sure someone can update us on the current status of these lawyers who were undoubtedly making very good money for their part in Ocwens schemes.

I am not a lawyer and have never taken part in a suit such as this. I have sat on some juries and watched some court proceedings that were of interest to me. The classic courtroom scenario that I have personally witnessed is orderly and very much controlled by the sitting judge.

I found this Nomination Speech by Senator Chris Dodd, presented on September 11,1997 when Judge Droney was nominated for the Federal District Court bench, and have excerpted the pertinent part:

The other nominee is Christopher F. Droney. Some of our colleagues know Christopher Droney. He has been our U.S. Attorney in Connecticut for the last 4 or 5 years and a very successful one. He is known as one of the leading U.S. Attorneys in the country for his anticrime efforts, and in particular for fighting juvenile crime.

I might point out that he also knows something about what it is like to be in elective office. He served as the mayor of West Hartford, CT, and did a wonderful job there. He is a graduate of the University of Connecticut Law School, where he was on the Law Review. He was named Citizen of the Year by the Connecticut District of the Boy Scouts of America, and he received the Distinguished Law Enforcement Award from the Hartford Police Union. He also received special recognition award from the Spanish-American Merchants Association. He is very community-oriented and very successful in his community activities. He is a member of the Federal Bar Council, a member of the St. Timothy Roman Catholic Church in his community, and very involved in the YMCA and YWCA in our State, as well.

Again, given his background experience as a U.S. Attorney, I think my colleagues can feel very, very proud, Mr. President, in casting a vote this afternoon to confirm the nomination of Christopher Droney, as well, to be a district court judge in Connecticut. I urge support for these nominees. I think they will do us all proud. The Senate can be proud of the work they will perform on behalf of all of us. I yield the floor.

(This complete document can be accessed at:

Http://dodd. Senate. Gov/press/Speeches/105_97/0911.htm

If you are inclined to check the veracity of this excerpt.)

This guy sounds like he should have been nominated for sainthood, along with the Federal bench! What a great, stand-up guy! Anti-crime! Citizen of the Year! This is the guy everyone wants for a neighbor. This has led me to wonder what Judge Droney is thinking as this case progresses.

It seems as though all Ocwen demands are met with great speed, while the plaintiffs motions grow mold while awaiting some sort of attention or disposal. I dont know if Judge Droney realizes this, but this case is beginning to show a pattern of preferential treatment toward the defendants, Ocwen, et al. Perhaps the judge is so afraid of this happening that he has unconsciously caused it to happen. Perhaps he could consider how this looks to those of us who are simply watchers (and there are many of us). The balance in this case is definitely off!

How can he listen to all these cases, day in, day out and be so complacent? Ocwen is still stealing homes or handing these loans off to the horrible Litton Loan at a savage pace. Ocwen refuses to comply with the motions for discovery and still this judge has failed to take control of his own courtroom and demand that this be done. WHY?

What does Judge Droney think about as these affidavits and other evidence are presented and read? Is he sitting there like Tweedledum and twiddling his thumbs while planning his dinner menu? Does he give one thought to the people that are being pushed out of their homes as this thing drags on and on? Does he sleep or daydream through all these horror stories? What is he thinking?

Is Judge Droney waiting for the saints to come marching in and take care of this? Perhaps he thinks that an army of archangels will come to fight this Ocwen devil? It is my belief that with the advancement of civilization and the development of legal systems to safeguard society, God chooses to work in more unostentatious ways these days through the vessels at hand.

In this case, that vessel would be Judge Droney himself.in refusing to recuse himself, Judge Droney willingly took on this task and implied by doing so that he CAN be fair in this matter, yet he appears to be failing miserably.

I feel that some serious questioning into Judge Droneys ability to be impartial in this case is in order. There seems to be something that keeps him from being able to exercise his judicial control and his judicial duty in this matter. I know of no other judge who would have tolerated this nonsense for so long in his own courtroom, let alone taken part in it by allowing it go on and on and on...!

For all the glowing recommendations presented in his nomination speech, Judge Droney is presenting a picture of preference toward the defendants and ineffectiveness in this case. He is not presenting even a veneer of impartiality. That is very serious for a judge. It is a source of concern to me; I can only imagine the frustration of those actively involved in this proceeding.

This happens from time to time to the best of us. However, the average person does not affect thousands of peoples lives when they become inert or impotent in a matter or a decision. This judge is doing great harm by allowing this stonewalling process to continue in his courtroom and that is not to be tolerated. Ocwen borrowers have been through too much and suffered too long to tolerate this display of Who cares?

This case is a cesspit of corruption and the infection has spread beyond Ocwen itself. Has it spread to a judge sitting in a United States Court? I hope and pray it has not or our entire legal system is in danger of breaking down and failing entirely! If that happens it will lead to chaos and anarchy, with the crooks being able to rule us all.

So, for those of you going to Hartford at the appropriate time, please print out a copy of the FDIC audit report. Take it to the courtroom and display it prominently. We need to see these things everywhere in order to make Judge Droney aware that the jig is up; everybody KNOWS what Ocwen has been (and still is) up to. Lying, cheating, stealing, plundering the assets of Americas citizens.

It is time for POP GOES THE WEASEL!

Waldron, Arkansas

Company: Ocwen FSB - FDIC OIG - Litton Loan - Judge C.R. Droney
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
Phone: 8008045561
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