First National Credit
RIP-OFF Thank you Report

Business & Finance

Thanks for having the info on your site. It definitely did sound too good to be true.

We can't believe the number of people that would fall for something like this and then be out their "one-time only membership fee".

That is how many people make their living - playing on people's minds and sucking them

Thank you again.

Dennis and gail
fort myers, florida

Company: First National Credit
Country: USA
State: California
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CCS, First National Card
CCS, First National Card Credit Card Scam

First National Credit
First Credit? If it sounds to good to be true it is to good to be true

Retrieval-Masters Creditors Bureau, Inc. I recieved a collection notice stating I owed $19.95 for a past due account with National Review. I have no account with National Review - never subscribed

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First National Credit
Too good to be true, it's a scam, Thanks to the Rip off Report!

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Ripoff, they make you think its an actual credit card

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Ripoff, deceptive, Liars