Horizon card svcs
800-2516144, PA i was charged 29.95 that i didnt authorize

Business & Finance

I recently applied for a credit card from first premier. I recieved instead a card that i had to put money on, i ripped it up and burned it. Afterwards i found out that i was charged 29.95 that i didnt authorize.
I want my money back and i have no idea how to go about it. And from what i read of other people that have had the same problem i will not get it back either.

Company: Horizon card svcs
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
Phone: 8002516144
Site: horizongoldcard.com
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Consumer Direct
Took from credit card without permission says need to prove age and to use if want to join costa mesa california

Consumer Report

360 Grants & Taxrefundguide.com
$1.95 turned into $97 dollars in unauthorized charges, grant sites help? Or harm?

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Rochelle Gordon - Carol Mason - Nova Network, - Microsoft Online SVCS
Rochelle Gordon - Carol Mason - Nova Network - Microsoft Online SVCS I ordered from Rochelle they use Nova Network for processing and I also ended up getting to transactions charged to my account via Microsoft Online SVCS ripoff

Charged money out of me and didn't apply

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