Hope for car owners
Follow up contacted by manger no time for I for help. Fees $299 plus & $799 bottom line its cheaper to deal with gmac direct

Business & Finance

The bottom likne it is cheaper to deal with your car loan company direct and ask them to rewrite it diecrtly as all are willing to deal with you to avoid taking the car back i was only 2 months behind and they gmac are willing to work with the client and we all can come to terms you just have to state your claim and take a stand as when it comes down to it they will deal wit you and hope for car owners is not the ones to call period as they are taking the matter to a new level and taking the money in fees and they will charge you 2 months of equal payments they say they can get reduced but this is something you can do yourself and be ahead $799.00 plus $299.00. Bottom line is hope for car owners will get you for $1000.00. Do the math before you jump and ge t thwe facxts and ask them questions and tell them your contacting thebbb and they will not deal with youi i also conntacted the ic fbi division and attornet general of california. Fact do the math thery have a ponzi scheme and decitful practices.

Ftc guidelines secs. 5,6, 38 stat. 719. As amended, 721; 15U.S.C. 45,46.

Company: Hope for car owners
Country: USA
State: California
City: Roseville
Address: 1548 Eureka Rd. Ste-100
Phone: 9167809531
Site: carloanmod.com
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