Global Finiancial
Ripoff This "credit card company" ripped me off for $220.95 I never recieved anything It has been months

Business & Finance

I'm reporting Global Finiancial as a rip-off company. I applied on February 5. The company draft my account on Februay 10. I was first told it would
be 3 weeks before I got anything. So, when my weeks were up. I called, they answered and corrected me that it would be in 6 weeks. So, my 6 weeks were up. I called informed the company that I didn't recieve anything.

They told me they would send me a package "asap" angrily I accepted the 2 more weeks of waiting. Then my 2 weeks were up. I called back. The company told me that "a 2 week asap hadn't been put in". So, now I'm very upset. I let them know how upsetting this is. They company apologized and put in the next 2 weeks (yeah right). My 2 weeks past. I called there was no answer. I called repeatly no answer.

Today (July 23) I called the number is not in service for my area (yeah right). I called my Credit Union few months ago. I was told because it was over 7 days I was unable to do anything.

What a rip-off!!

Company: Global Finiancial
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Lakeland
Phone: 8664114466
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Global Financial
Inc. Ripped me off then went out of business the company that took the money out for them will not refund the money. This company is the biggest scam going in town consumer fraud ripoff

Global Financial
Deceptive company

Global Financial
RIP OFF consumer fraud ripoff consumer rip-off fraud corruption

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Scam, recieved package, totally decieved

Global Financial
Ripoff. I can't get my package or a refund!

Global Financial
They took my money, one time fee, 2,500.00 credit card i never got. They are really corrupt ripoff

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Global Financial
Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff