Dr. Williams
Austine ayoimde ozogula intervened on behalf of a patient who left money to me

Business & Finance

I met Jeff Harrison on a christian chat site. Jeff got sick and went to a hospital in Nigeria. Jeff claimed to work as a contractor for the Nigerian Government building a resort. Jeff left me his wages as next of kin of 2.98 million dollars.
Dr. Williams contacted Dr. Rogers at Gulf Coast Sercurity company who was holding the money and gave my name to Dr. Rogers. We started paying the fees they asked for to get the inheritence funds. They promised to put the money the next day into my account
It did not happen as they asked for more fees which we paid. Then Dr. Williams asked a lawyer by the name of Anthony Sobowale to help us to file the papers in the Nigerian court so we could get the money promised to us.
Again it was promised we'd get the money if we paid the fees asked for. We did and more money was asked for.
At this time, we are required to pay the COTA (cost of transaction cost) to transfer the money into my account from a bank in New York (CitiBank). I was told not to email Cititbank back for security reasons but they did not state why.
I paid the USA embassy tax and the Nigerian embassy tax. I have asked the lawyer repeated times for a copy of the money recieved and he has never done it.
We told Dr. Williams we could send no more money as being investigated in the US by the government. We asked for his passport. The passport we got had the name "Austine Ozogula" on it. Dr. Williams told me this was his friend and secretary who would go pick up the money for him.
The dr and lawyer claim to be born again christians and not muslim terrorist or scammers.
Citibank did a test and did send some money into my account but not as much as they said they would. We were being charged holding fees until we could get the money sent to us. All contact we had with Citibank headquarters, told us they do not charge holding fees.
Jeff changed his email address as was paranoid someone was after his money. When he did this his daughters email address did not work. Some one with her name contacted me twice. I don't know is she really excisted or not. Jeff was to be flown to England, had lung surgery and died of lung cancer/viral infection.
Jeff was from Australia, his dad from a prince line who worked in construction. Jeff said his parents were killed by an uncle cutting the car break lines and Jeff fled to England in fear of his life. He came to the US (Illinois) about five years ago doing contruction. He was going to work in Nigeria, make lots of money and then retire in the US at the age of 50.
He as sick a lot so I sent him money. He promised to pay me back but ended up dying.
His passport was signed with just his initials. He also used his initials on his construction contract. ON the will leaving me the money his name was in hand writing signature.
We are unsure of what is true and not true in this case despite all the emails and phone calls we have sent and recieved.

Company: Dr. Williams
Country: USA
Phone: 2348037152039
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Gulf Coast Security company
Dr. Rogers DR Williams, Anthony (An attorny) Austine Ozugula the late Jeffrey Alexandre Harrison Nigerian patient left income upon death Lagos

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