CIT Group
Equipment Leasing ripoff I have to fight CIT from taking food money for my son for cars that I have never sat in and never driven., & Los Angeles, California

Business & Finance

I am being sued by a company The CIT Group for two old cars
that they admitted is worth $8000. And they are suing me for
$94,000. The cars are: a 1996 hearse and a 1996 Limousine. I never signed any of the documents. They have a law firm by the name of Helf and Helf and continously harassing me about something that I had nothing to do with.

My estranged husband, filed a bankruptcy of in October of I had no knowledge of what he was doing. He had dealings with CIT. When his Chapter 7 Bankruptcy was filed, they came after me.

They are continously sending me summons and treats of putting me in jail for sometyhing that I know nothing about. I am a single mom working to support me and my son and fighting the Trustee to save my home so that my son and I can have a place to live. And now I have to fight CIT from taking food money for my son for cars that I have never sat in and never driven.

Company: CIT Group
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 1540 West Fountainhead Parkway
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