Bank Of America - BofA
Charging overdraft fees constantly

Business & Finance

This bank is a joke they continue to charge us overdraft fees even though the day we made transactions the online and atm screen is showing that we have funds to use. What is the point of putting your money in the bank if they are going to steal it? I thought the american banking system is supose to help americans? Yea right, we tried to talk to the bank to see why these fees are continuting they said that we had charges that were posted prior to our deposit and that we should use our pin debit instead of credit. We did that and still each pay period we had at least 4-7 overdrafts. Atfter they started it seems that our account is being targeted every two weeks. We made sure we checked the account each time and printed out the summary of what we had it it. But even after doing that we still had fees from them. They are clearly stealing from our account and its unfair, the govt gave them money but they are greedy and keep taking more. Someone please stop them, I looked online and found that from 200 they were running this same scam and were sued for it.

Company: Bank Of America - BofA
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Richarhson
Phone: 8009893114
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