Jack Bosch Scammer
Land for pennies, Secret Land profits False and misleading advertising and is a deceptive practices

Business & Finance

Jack Bosch Scammed myself and others. He teaches a land investing course and has a good sales pitch and claims he has bought and sold 5000 properties.
I paid and went a live event and spent thousands with him and what he taught was pure snake oil. I followed his system to the letter and did not get anything but $4,000 in debt and thats just from trying his system, thats not including what I paid scammer Jack..

I contacted 9 other people who also went to the live event and guess what? They got the same results I did. All except 1 guy, he did spend about $10,000 for 3 properties that he can't sell. All of 2009 he has tried to sell them and nothing. I am really mad, because I am still paying the credit card bills for what I spent with scammer jack and using his system. Since having such dismal results made me start asking questions. Here is what I came up with. Jack was a scammer from the beginning. He boasts that he has done 5000 deals, but on his website hoe does not even show proof he has done on deal?

How come Jack shows no proof? Other Real estate gurus show proof, how come Jack doesnt? If he really buys and sells properties so quick why not prove it.
Another thing that jumps out is at the live event when questioned by students how to talk to sellers, he said, I don't know how to, and I would not worry about that.
I thought that was odd. He says hire an answering service and let them talk to
the sellers. I was confused but too timid to say anything. How the heck do you train
and answering service to negotiate when you don't know how yourself?

I have since spent time in some real estate investing forums and they all say the
same thing. Learning to talk to sellers is the most important thing.
Jack says you don't need to know how, another lie.
I also checked him out on ebay this year and saw him trying to sell some land that he
bought way back in and he could not sell it. Why is he still trying to sell and
lot he bought in 2005 in 2009? He does not know how to sell that's why.

Jack lied and said there was no competition. There was nothing but competition I ran into and the others I spoke with ran into that too. Following jacks system has gotten me cursed out so many times and threatened once, that it is just not worth it to me to take that kind of abuse. He is a good marketer and spends all of his time looking for joint venture partners to run his scam on a new group if suckers.
How come he's not buying and selling land. I don't believe for one minute that he has done 5000 deals. People just trust him. I did too, thats why I am in the hole for thousands of dollars. I hope you sleep good knowing you took advantage of a single mother who was barely making it. You took my dreams and made them nightmares.
I am talking with an attorney and may file a complaint with the authorities. Then we will see what scammer jack has really done.

Company: Jack Bosch Scammer
Country: USA
Address: Phoenix, AZ
Site: landprofitformula.com
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