JC Penney
Change my address back allowing fraud

Business & Finance

We shifted in 7 and that I updated my handle with JCP. I've mailing delivered from their store having a conditions vary from 3.

In 7, there is a fradulent charge on my consideration but I never understood becasue they delivered the declaration towards the previous tackle - annually after I'd transformed it. I eventually got a statement to my present target in 10 with over $100 in late fees connected. They declare I just transformed my tackle earlier in 10 and also have no description for that 3 mailing.

They realize they're 100% wrong becasue they corrected all costs, but WOn't actually I would like to keep in touch with the scam division becasue they declare the total amount was too little. Who understand today that has my card, claims and enougn information on me to complete who understands just how much harm and JC Penney won't get any obligation

Company: JC Penney
Country: USA
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