Conseco Finance Company
NEVER applied any of my payments toward the principal, only toward inflated interest

Business & Finance

I purchased my "Manufactured" home Using Green Tree, They sold it to Conseco immediately, Conseco has NEVER applied any of my payments toward the principal. I send approximately $70 extra each month and it is all
applied to interest.

I have been charged late fees when my payments get there 5
days before the due date. I am being charged $17.65 per day in interest with interest penalties if my payment arrives less than 5 days before the due date. So far this calendar year alone, I have been charged over
$1600 in "extra" interest payments and late fees although my payments have never been late.

I tried calling the customer service people, got hung up on, transferred to an answering machine, told that there is no way I can contact the billing department, told that customer service cannot contact the billing department or the payment receivable department, told I cannot contact their headquarters, supposedly there are no other telephone numbers except their "customer service" (what a joke) telephone number. I am still trying to find a way to contact someone from the headquarters, but I don't expect much luck. I would never recommend that anyone deal with this company.

I am also trying to find out how I can sue them for usury, fraud, and being a loan shark!

Sinajana, South Carolina

Company: Conseco Finance Company
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St. Paul
Address: 500 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street
Phone: 8006430202
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