Wells Fargo
Overdraft fees

Business & Finance

I recently moved and changed

My bank to Wells Fargo because my old bank (20 years) did not have a branch near my new home.in the 4 months I have been at WF, I have been hit with 3 OD fees. I use my debit card most of the time and check my account several times a day. I note my balance, what cleared and what is pending. Most recently, I wrote a $20 check on a Thursday night and my paycheck direct deposited at 12:01 Friday. They bounced the check, citing "day of origination" even though there was ample money to cover the check by the time it posted. I had money in savings, and didn't think I needed to transfer since

Y paycheck was going to be deposited in a matter of hours.in

My 30 years of banking, I had never heard of this, nor has it ever happened to me before. I had $18.98 in checking with nothing pending and $3560 in savings. What is "date of origination?" I called a local credit union (where I wi be banking from now on) and they never heard of this either. They go by what is in your account when the check/debit posts.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
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