Legal Affidavit Processing Department
Caller ID Shows #052797815 Fraud

Business & Finance

A Mr. Jack Peterson called me. The number showing on Caller ID was 052797815, they asked on 2 messages to call 727-362-1241. They made threats to me about losing my job, that I had committed criminal activity by not paying an internet loan. Made threats to contact my HR Department to which I could get the documentation that they refuse to mail me from. They called a friend and led him to believe that because he was listed as a reference that he was an accomplice and was part of a lawsuit against me. They stated they were down loading the suit to my City Court tomorrow and my office would get the documents by fax at 10AM tomorrow as well. They also called my wife's cousin and told them the same thing they told my friend. They continue to call me and my work as well.

They are threatening that I will lose my job. They say they are Lawyers and when you ask if they are registered with the State Bar in their State they say I can deal with their Lawyer.

They are calling my number XXX-XXX-XXXX, my work nunber XXX-XXX-XXXX EXT PPP, Stephen (Friend) at XXX-XXX-XXXX and Erin (Cousin) at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

I want them stopped! They have clearly broken the law by threatening me and also by calling my employment after being told not to do so!

Company: Legal Affidavit Processing Department
Country: USA
State: Florida
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