Internal Revenue Service - IRS
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Services - state Oklahoma City INNOCENT SPOUSE RELIEF FORM 8857 WITHDRAWL YOUR COMPLAINT IT YOU FEEL YOU COULD BE IN DANGER! Exact working from the IRS

Business & Finance

File for innocent spouse relief after attending divorce class for the second time around. A CPA spoke on night on finance after divorce and she seen a sad look and tears running down my face.

After the class was over she came over to me and ask me if she could help me and I stated a don't think you can. So i started tell my story my husband wanted a divorce because he was tryed of handling my sickness. Grand mal seizure/pal mal seizures was on dialysis during the time.

I was in a comma 2005 and 2006 and 2006 the doc's gave me less than 48 hours my body was rejecting the dialysis. Stayed with a family member until i could regain my strenght.

When home Oct find that my husband didnt turn in 2005 return at that time i called his CPA man and he told me what i should do installment of 100.00 each to the state/fed and he would send it to me and he typed disable.

Turn in innocent spouse from 8857 form ask if you have mental or physical health problems if so attach documentation such as doc bills, hops bills, doc's letters etc.

Explain how you were involve I did not review the return due to my lace of understanding of the tax law and preparation of tax return. Normally my husabnad handles all financial aspects includint the tax return review in addtional i suffer from severe seizure, depression and short term emeory losss and was not in correct mental state to hanld such task (s)

The advice that I got from this innocent group if you are in danager for your life site and we will disguard. I made payments unit my disable came in May 19 sixteen weeks from that time I would know if I was accept for SSI. I work for Corp for 29 1/2 yrs and my husband been self employeed.

If will take them six months and nine months to investagate. How are is it to put both we soc sec number and see who always paid there taxes. I understate my people dont turn in there returns. There no justice in our system. The interest rate 49 1/2 percent.

Nice as the gov is they put a tax lien on me not my husband who made the debt now my credit is bad. My score use to be 787. I have put credit report lately. The irs doesn't about nothing but themself. Would reduced the penalty. Rude people a one day when the die they will have to answer for the uglyness, rudeness etc.

Advice you waste your time with the irs because it doesn't matter what you said are need they do exact what the want to do.

Company: Internal Revenue Service - IRS
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Fayetteville
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