Charter One Bank
Non stop over draft fees

Business & Finance

We started a joint bank account at Charter One Bank in Detroit

My room mate had to have surgery in April which kept her down for a while but we still had my income while she was awaiting her std check.

We received a letter May, 24th 2003 saying we owed $68.00 for an overdraft. I called the bank and they said a check had came in which we had previously cancelled the order from the company that took the money. Confusing? Now i'm dealing with 2 ripoffs

I told them I would be in to pay it when i get paid, a few days later I fracture my acrh in 5 places after the excitment was over we contacted the bank which was about a few days later the $68.00 had turned into $155.00 I asked why and they said the overdraft fees cannot be stopped until it is paid in full.

I insisted they closed the account until payment can be made and the said no. I have no problem paying what I owe but don't try to milk me. I owe them $68.00 and that's what they will get!

I'm tired of hearing "I'm sorry there's nothing we can do". There is always something you can do if you want to help someone. Especialy one of your customers.

GOD don't like ugly charter one bank. Stop milking your customers. Shame on you!!!

P. S My room mate has went back to work and I have 2 to 3 more weeks off my feet, BUT THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

Company: Charter One Bank
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Detroit
Address: 21500 Grand River
Phone: 3135336100
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