The Money Warehouse, Southampton, Pennsylvania
Money Warehouse deceives anyone who is looking for employment as a loan officer. They falsely advertise for this position to lure in employees

Business & Finance

Money Warehouse advertises that they have a draw salary and they will give you a signing bonus. This advertisement also states that they have training.

This is neither true or at the least correct. They expect you to work long hours and even on the weekends with no compensation. They will only give you a draw salary if you have some type of deal.

They will not give you that sign on bonus that they claim that they give you for joining their organization. Its all a ploy to draw potential employees in, then after you leave they call any contacts you had and try to close deals.

They do not offer any type of training imaginable. Their training consist of you sitting with the manager or one of the employees and listening to them call people for a few hours. Then you are put on the phones to try to find leads and potential deals.

This company claims to give you fresh leads that they received in the last 24 to 48 hours. These co called leads are people that have not called about a loan in the past 1-3 years. The so called fresh leads are a result in them texting people with false information in reference to a loan.

Some of these so-called fresh leads are people that are promised an unbelievable low rate in which they will not receive. These leads are a result of them sending out false texts or emails to people.

Company: The Money Warehouse, Southampton, Pennsylvania
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Northampton
Address: 615 2nd Street Pike
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The Leads Warehouse
The Leads Warehouse took our money and gave us bad leads

Loan Web
IHomeowner ripoff, Promised 10 min old leads, leads were old or never interested often recieved leads with bogus information or incomplete information

Take your money and receive no leads, ripoff


MY ripoff Bad leads not fresh customers have no idea why they are being called

Bogus leads, rubbish information, double-verification is "bs", don't get ripped-off! Woodland hill

Sales people do not work for this company! Wilmington Delaware
Insurance Leads Rip-off

Intel-Marketing Group
Does not honor contract, Doesn't return messages, Continue to Provide Outdated Leads Los Angeles California