AKA GREENTREE ripoff scam, con artist fake ripoff

Business & Finance

I purchased a mobile home from conseco 3 years for my son & his spouse. I told this company i would not co-sign as they were first time buyers, conseco suggested i put the home in my name for 18 months and then it would be transfered into sons name. This company assured me this would be done and it would be no problem.

Since this time, after the 18 month period i turned everything over to him and he got behind on payments. An associate of conseco visited this home and allowed him to move a payment to the end of note and with his signature.

We recieved many phone calls cursing everyone and my wife being disabled of course had to be taken to er for treatment. Pat king along with conseco may have to pay for this.

Also they never seemed to get the payments according to conseco, we ran postal traces only to find yes it has been recieved! But of course late fees and other legal fees were still attached. We called and they told us to send payments to duluth&kenesaw, ga&bal, md. E.T.C. I dont know who has contract, a company called conseco in the us has all the branches work together and are very prof. Scam & con artist. However i do have some proof of there scam and witnesses to this.

I also have a neighbor i talked to couple of months ago and to my surprize they used the same scam on her except in her case note would be transfered after 3 months. I am willing to be a witness for anyone who has been scamed by this company.

I am also seeking a law firm to file claims for myself and all that has suffered from this company. Companys like this must be stopped and held responsable for there actions. They presently have a civil against me to take home, my home, 30 acres land, autos & all belongings of course to make a large profit, they auction these off and guess who the bidders are, i wont get into this at this time. But i am willing to lay it all on the line to seek justice. They may be pros but even they get caught.

Company: Conseco
Country: USA
State: Maryland
Address: P.O. BOX 17235
Phone: 8006430202
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