First Data Global Leasing
Wells Fargo complicit in FDGL RipOff

Business & Finance

I am battling together, also! Complete fraud perpetuated by Wells Fargo who claims, when the agreement is authorized, there's nothing they are able to do since First Information is just a separate organization. Our first company, inexperienced, have been coping with Wells Fargo for a long time and respected them. No, alternatively I got bamboozled into signing this 200-page rent saturated in legalese, and because the downturn and insufficient revenue, I'd to close company. Named to stop rent and return gear and was informed difficult, noncancellable, and not just that, easily shut my consideration, they will consider the resources from additional balances I've at Wells Fargo... individual account or organization charge cards. Cannot achieve any supervisor, and also have gotten captured in a genuine circlejerk! Wells Fargo has several choices to rent or hire this gear, but at that time I talked for them about receiving a cc swiper, they just provided me 3 choices they "decided were greatest for my company". Ha! Greatest DUE TO THEIR company! 3yr rent, 4-year lease or purchase the supply overall. Arrive at discover after calling to stop rent and return provide, they've a choice to get a every month rental. Why was not I provided that??? It Is A fraud and Wells Fargo is completely complicit. There's got to become some type of anything in these rents that really must be illegitimate. Who available who've been scammed and stonewalled by this rental company from hell want to file a class action match? Contact me... LET US MANAGE!

Company: First Data Global Leasing
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Santa Fe
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Tempur pedic
Denial of credit

Americas Servicing Company

First Data Global Leasing
Non-Cancelable Contract

Wells Fargo
Mortgage Loan Modificaton

Wells Fargo / First Data
Merchant Services / Equipment

Wells Fargo Bank

Wells Fargo Bank

Wells Fargo
Worst bank

Wells Fargo Bank
Bank Fraud

Wells Fargo - Wachovia
Wachovia becoming Wells Fargo = More Fees