CCA Aka First National
Total rip-off artists who know how to take advantage of you!

Business & Finance

I suscribed to their 30 day free trial and was told if I cancelled within the trial time, I would be completel refunded. So far, I have over 400.00 in over draft because they keep debiting my account even with a written letter cancelling my account.

The catalog they send is full of cheap, cheesy merchandise my kids wouldn't buy. Whenever I call the phone number they gave, it's busy or after hours even at 2:00 in the afternoon.

These people need to be stopped!

Company: CCA Aka First National
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 46101
Phone: 8007207125
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CCA Catalog Service - First National
CCA Catalog Service Aka First National RIP-OFF!

Retrieval-Masters Creditors Bureau, Inc. I recieved a collection notice stating I owed $19.95 for a past due account with National Review. I have no account with National Review - never subscribed

Homecentrix LLC
National Repo Network Made Unauthorized Charges, Doesn't respond to phone calls or e-mail, Charged me during trial period, Scam, Billed me for services I never ordered

CCS Credit Company - ACC First National
CCS Credit Company - ACC First Premier - ACC First National Unbelievable fraudulent activity, called WITHIN CANCEL TIME FRAME, won't cancel! Ripoff

CIC Triple Advantage
Ripoff Told me it was cancelled before 30 days still charged me
Free trial is not free

National Consumer Marketing
They failed to follow through on my response to an advertisement they placed. Unknown

National Platinum
National Platinum Unauthorized debit of my checking account for $99.95

Travel Advantage

National Bank, JP Morgan Chase Cancelled credit card, no reason