Prime One
Benefits ripoff NYC

Business & Finance

A guy called Mike called me on 03/14/03 for a credit card offer that goes with a $187 fee. The amount was deducted from my checking account on 03/31/03.

After a while a called them for delivery of a package containing terms and conditions of the contract. Postage of the said was said to have been done on 04/26/03 but i am yet to receive the package. I will go ahead and notify my bank right away. I will also appreciate you input in helping my situation.

Company: Prime One
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Phone: 4165421611
Site: www.primeonebenefits
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Prime One Benefits Or Prime One Finacinal
Prime One Fin. Aka Prime One Benefits tried to take 187.00 out of my checking acct. And I had it stopped after looking at this report. Ripoff Toronto New York

Prime One Financial / Prime One Benefits / Veritech
Prime One Financial Prime One Benefits Veritech ripoff, thieves, fraudulent, rip-offs ripoff deception

Prime One Financial - A.k.a. Prime One Benefits
Prime One Financial A.K.A. Prime One Benefits dirty ripoff liars

Prime One Benefits
Ripoff New York

Prime One
Benefits Lied about the 187.00 service fee for a credit card. I got a package only

Prime One Financial - aka Prime One Benefits
Prime One Financial (aka) Prime One Benefits, ripoff ripoff fraud business

Prime One Benefits

Prime One Benefits - Prime One Financial - CCS
Prime One Benefits a.K. A Prime One Financial a.K. A CCS Credit Card Ripoff! These DOGS must pay!

Prime One Financial, Prime One Benefits
Prime One Financial Prime One Benefits ripoff, took $187. From my banking account for a credit card that I did not receive. Ripoff business from hell

Prime One Benefits
Ripoff New York