Phh, Merrill Lynch, Hsbc & Trott & Trott, Sequoia
Loan modification & assignments recorded are fraud - not what i signed!

Business & Finance

Anyone doing business with these companies, need to check the recorded documents.

Fraud - fraud - fraud!!!

The loan modification that i signed, is not the document that was recorded. Phh changed the name of the bank and added other verbiages, including dates and notary info. There are other documents recorded that i know are fraud too.

Prior to the loan modification, i went to the attorneys who handle their foreclosures. I handed them a cashiers check which would have brought me current. They refused my money and refused to give me a note stating that i was there to pay them...
I had to dial "911" to get them off of their butts to give me this letter! A year later -i am still fighting with them... They miscalculated my payments and instigated the foreclosing process...

Waiting for the fbi, state of michigan or the attorney generals office to investigate them...

People - there is something going on with these banks...

Company: Phh, Merrill Lynch, Hsbc & Trott & Trott, Sequoia
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
Phone: 8776887116
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Phh, Merrill Lynch, Hsbc & Trott & Trott
Check your recorded documents! Phh should be investigated by the fbi for fraud, forgery, tila, respa

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Savemyhomeusa - - fraud - scam - scam - fraud - attorney general

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Loan modification
Loan Modification

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