Fast Cash International
Get a lawyer if these people call your

Business & Finance

This man by the name of Daniel Smith calls my sister to report that I owe them money and told her to call me or she gets into trouble. I called the guy on the number listed above. He told me in very poor english that I am being brought up on 3 different charges, because I failed to pay off a loan with them. They said that I owe them 784.50. That I had to write and notorize a letter letting them split the money in half into two payments and let them take it out of my account using my debit card. I had 20 minutes. Then he said that I could pay the whole thing off with 550.00 and be done with it. He said that if I did not respond in 20 minutes, then I would face inprisonment and have to pay 7,000. I asked him for proof, he said that I did not need it and that he wasn't going to give it to me. He acted like he was working for the court house in New York State. He said that i was being difficult with not wanting to do what he said. He had all of my information and my sister's information. I researched the internet for this company and found fraud reports against them. I contacted a lawyer and filed a fraud report with all three credit anencies and social security. I contacted my bank and my bank said that I received no money from this company at all and filed a report with them. Now, me and my lawyer are bringing up a law suit with this company for fraud. I even had to screen phone calls and block all international and unknown and unavailable calls. This is sad, because I have friends on deployment that call me from the country that they are in and I cannot talk to them because they are international calls. They guy that acts like a loan officer is Matthew Roger.

This company is trying to steal and launder money from innocent people. My suggestion is to get a lawyer quickly and file a law suit. Quickly. This is the only way that we can stop them and prevent this from happening to other people. They speak in broken english.

Company: Fast Cash International
Country: USA
Phone: 9173382868
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