Milton Lending Services

Business & Finance

Got a phone call on July 14 say that we got a loan for 10,000 but they need 1300 for collateral security payment. So when we got back from our vaction I went around and took out three payday loans to get the money and western union it to them and I was told that I would have the money the next day by 5pm. I called my bank and the said that there was no transfer being processed for that day or for the next. I called Will Post ext. 403 the man that I had been talking to and he said that there was something wrong with there computers and it would be posted by midnight that night. I checked the account and still no money. Then I received and phone call from the customer service manager John Herman and he said that they did some more checking and they needed another 1300 and I told them that I didn't have that and I would see what I could do. Mean time I called Will Post ext. 403 and told him about the phone call from his service manager and he told that he would check in to and call me back. When he finally called me back he told me that I had to call John Herman the customer service manger and now when I call the number I get a recording Thank You and Good Bye. I am in the processes of sending the paper to a lawyer to see what can be done about this. I just hope that there is some way to get my money back.

Company: Milton Lending Services
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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