Chase Bank
Credit card idiots

Business & Finance

Chase bank fools

Simply to alert everyone concerning the total idiots at chase bank credit card services that closed my account since they're morons... I've had an account together for over two years and had several little amounts that i combined to three cards... These complete idiots noticed that like a danger despite the fact that i've never, actually been late-never went within the restriction, usually paid over the minimum undoubtedly... Someone will need to hold a weapon to my mind before i actually set foot in a chase bank following the rv or place one red cent into a free account with those idiots!!! Excellent credit-never over-never late and they close it without any caution... I told them they could go and %ss up a string so far as i am concerned and when thats how they handle great clients i'd be sure and spread it around... Please copy and paste this and put it everywhere you can to warn people about chase lender!!

Company: Chase Bank
Country: USA
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