Bank Of America
Scott Beech Used me after I paid my account off and asked to have my interest lowered, and to increase my credit limit. I feel Ripped-Off & Degraded after being an excellent customer for 12 years

Business & Finance

The Bank of America is on the list of lowering interest rates for customers. I first asked the B of A to lower my interet rate in 2004. I was told that I had to wait for at least another year because I had file for bankruptcy in 2002.

The bank wanted to know why because prior my credit was over 700 back then. I explained, that it was to save my deceased mothers estate from anyone trying to sue.

I didn't call the B of A again until 2008. I was told then that everything looks good but since its the beginning of a recession to try again during the beginning of the new year. Excuses, excuses, excuses...

I have been a great customer for 12 years, meaning I've never been late or went over the limit. I have always paid my account off every year since 2004. There was no reason for my interest rate to be so high 19.99%.

In June this year I called the B of A again and asked if they would lower my interest rate and give me a credit increase. They said, not at this time.By the way, I had just paid my account off in April in the amount of $1,500.00.

I received a letter stating that there has been a transaction fee increase in April, also. I tried to use my card and it didn't work. I just used another card at the time and didn't think nothing of it.

Two days later after speaking with the customer service rep., I received a letter informing me that my account has been closed and I was given specific instructions on what to do with my card.

The reason that was given to me was that I had filed for bankruptcy. I'm in total shock! I filed for bankruptcy seven years ago and the Bank of America knew of this.

This guy named Scott told me that it must have slipped throught the cracks.
I told this man that he is insulting my intelligence. I told him that I know that my records show my previous inquiries.

I asked, "Do you have the right to do this to me?" and he said, the B of A has the right to do anything they want. I said, but you are not the B of A. I told him to have a nice day.

Now this affects my credit report, etc. What can I do? This is wrong! I need help again. For those of you who do not know this is happening with the other banks as well.

One lady was in good standings with her bank (Chase). She paided her account off just like I did but she paid $6,00.00. She received a letter the following week stating that her account has been closed. She was so up-set.

We relied on our credit cards for survival. I hope you can see the big picture here. If the banks are not closing your account (please do not pay your accounts off) they are lowering your credit limit without letting you know.

Watch out because you can easily get caught up with over the limit fees or not have the amount on your card to spend what you thought you have. Again I plead, is there anything that can been done? I know we have rights.

Company: Bank Of America
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: P O Box 15646
Phone: 8668114108
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