Acai Berry Detox
Credit card fraud

Business & Finance

I received a new shipment of acai berry detox without ordering. I recorded my conversation with the sales person and told her, I read the find print but stated I did not want anymore bottles sent to me or charged on my credit card. She said that was fine. I also told her, if I did receive another bottle, this is called credit card fraud. Told her this was recorded.

Today I called and repeated above. Said I should have read fine print. I did. I did not authorize this shipment nor charges on my credit card. Spoke with my doctor and he said the side effects are different on everyone. That I should throw away my sample.

I want my name removed from their system and I have notifed Amer. Express of this.

L. Bramanti

Company: Acai Berry Detox
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
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Acai Berry Detox
They charged my credit card 86.42. After i paid 1.99 for a free bottle of acai berry

Acai Berry Detox
Credit card charges

Acai Berry Detox
Credit Card Scam

Ord. Trial acai berry, charged credit card for additional bottles not ordered, 94.32 & 88.34

Unauthorized billing

Gns Inc
Never sent the trial bottle, i called 4 times, then i got 2 bottles on 2/7.2/8 they charged me twice for 79.95 on my credit card

Acai Berry Detox

Acai Berry Detox
Acai berry detox

Acai Berry Detox
Unauthorized charges

Acai Berry Detox
No Customer Service Communication