Money stealing company

Business & Finance

The customer isn't AT-ALL guarded by PayPal. I obtained a notice late Friday morning (obviously) declaring my consideration was frozen due to "uncommon exercise" related to my banking account associated with PayPal. (Humorous, my lender hasn't regarded some of my actions uncommon, and PayPal wastes virtually no time in immediately ACH-ing (moving) the cash from my banking account into PayPal. Then they returned 19 dealings that they currently removed towards the vendor and place temporary supports in it. This pisses off vendors and retains the cash PayPal drew out-of my consideration "in limbo". Then they requested for much more id than any lender or government company is wearing document: They are in possession of copies of my passport (U.S. Resident surviving in the U.S.), my Driver's permit, social protection card, bank record for account associated with PayPal and telephone declaration (for telephone # related to my PayPal account) - how disturbing is the fact that! Even while informing me they are carrying it out "for my safety" and informing vendors (who submitted the communications in my experience, they were attempting to assist the vendors prevent "difficult dealings". Probably the most impossible section of it all-is, after PayPal had the cash, removed it towards the vendors, then 2 nights later "uncleared it" to get a store while they examined many of these dealings, is they froze the consideration, delivered emails to my sellers and just subsequently, following the reality, advised me via a contact. (which is just a established, tested, lender connected and charge card connected PayPal account!) Now, any regular establishment might contact the customer and state, "hello, we are worried, could it be truly you producing many of these acquisitions?" (But PayPal, based on several vendors I Have conveyed with, are informing me this really is occurring increasingly more constantly. Therefore, by no means am I, a customer, guarded. I've been attached by PayPal, that has my cash, is not delivering cost towards the vendors, and I've no thought easily'll actually obtain the product I taken care of or my money back. (Again, you would believe it'd be my lender or charge card organization that will choose what's "strange action. Not PayPal.) No real surprise they will have had class-action lawsuits against them-and are experiencing ratings of grievances made against them to numerous companies all around the globe! (No, the customer isn't secured. Sorry.)

Company: Person
Country: USA
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PayPal - EBay Company
Beware Sellers of paypal Interne

Paypal, Inc
Paypal gave money to fraudlent sellers... I did not receive my merchandise or my refund

PayPal is zooming you sellers


Holding $5000

YOU are NOT protected with paypal! It is NOT the "The safer, easier way to pay" We

Promotes Fraudlent Buying, Fails To Protect Sellers (Jenny Lee) PayPal Fraud

EBay Ripoff Sellers need to be aware of Paypal's onesided policies!

Pay Pal
Pay PaL Internet Payment Services does not protect the consumer. Consumer Beware

Had to be paid twice to get collection agency to stop calling. PayPal Rip-off!