Google Chest
Scam charges

Business & Finance

I just decided to go look at the activity in my bank account and found an unauthorized charge from Google Chest, What is this? And who are these people and how did they get my number? I did not sign up for any memberships. I am not going to say please to put it back. You know what you did wrong. Why don't you go out and get a real job instead of taking everyones money with out permission. You are worse than some people living on the street at least they are nice enough to ask for the money. You took it with out permission. That is called STEALING, I don't care how you justify it, It is STEALING!!! Put the money back into all of our accounts where you found it. You knew how to take it out. So I think that you know how to put back.

Company: Google Chest
Country: USA
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Google Chest

Google Chest

Google Treasure Chest
Stealing money from my bank acount

Google Treasure Chest
Fraudulent charges

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized Charges Utah

Google Treasure Chest
Scam, Rip off, cheats, liars, &%

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized Charge

Google Treasure Chest

Google treasue chest
Unauthorized charge

Google Chest
Unauthorized debit