Allegro Medical

Business & Finance

I requested an infant item in May and was monitoring it for that delivery time. All of this period they currently charged my charge card. I'd to contact them to discover why the monitoring continues to be displaying expecting cargo and that I was informed the merchandise is backordered. I had been provided a choice to hold back for brand new shipping to reach using the schedule they gave me. Nothing happened it had been taking forever. I'd to contact and stop and was reassured I'll get my the period I terminated for this day is one 5 month today. Customer support is repeatedly informing me they truly are resending messages to facilitate handling. Cheated! I am recovering from the cash I dropped for them but this really is to everyone available who might be drawn to the acutely reduced costs they've due to their medical tools and materials. Our advice... Search elsewhere and perform a small study first.

Company: Allegro Medical
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Mesa
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Allegro Medical
No product, no refund

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Fraud costs

I never got the gift-card but I did so get cheated

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Don't think whatever you are informed by customer support

Refuse to Refund

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Intended Delivery and Getting AFTER rescheduling item