Chase (Wamu) Bank
Tricky business practices, oversea call centers for US consumers, US call center for outsiders?

Business & Finance

I was careless and used my credit close to my limit last month leaving only $4 (shows as available? Amount) and online statement indicated no payment due till July 26, but the $5 interests kicked in last week and went over the limit by $1. Now they are charging me $39 overdraft fee! I feel tricked in to cause this charge; a current statement says the minimum payment due is only $10, I'm afraid they want me to believe that's all I have to pay by July 22 to collect another $39 or more. Calls to them were more upsetting.
I just found out all calls to their customer services thru toll-free #s (800,866) are transferred to foreign countries like Philippine where workers don't know US laws and don't have any authorities to decide anything. The number (1-480-350-7099) designated for calls from outside of US connects you a Ohio Call Center? All of us should call this # directly. They record all calls but a customer service rep. Hang up on me as soon as I said I'm recording, too, after he told me it doesn't matter I agree or not on the term when I opened a credit account with WAMU and they can charge me any fee. What's wrong with them? Are they crooks now?

Company: Chase (Wamu) Bank
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmngton
Phone: 4803507099
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Washington Mutual
WAMU charges each month a Purchase "Finance Charge", Cash "Finance Charge" and an "over the Limit fee. This was not explained when I transferred by balance from another card company

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Over the limit fee scam

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