Usa Credit
Ripoff, I have tried to cancel but with no luck reaching a human being. I have no use of this companies supposed benifetts. Deceptive company

Business & Finance

I like many am trying to re-build my credit, and scam artists like this one just love to prey on people like me. Although I was able to get a legit, unsecured credit card, this USA Credit card is a worthless piece of shit! And the web site, crap, with overly priced shit I can get for less at K-Mart.

Company: Usa Credit
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Uniontown
Address: One Millennium Dr., Union, Pa. 15401
Phone: 8002624192
  <     >  


ATT Internet, DSL
Piece of shit

Usa Gold
"Merchandise credit card" rip off this card is the shit! They send you a merchandise card and is only good for their shitty online store!

EZ Unsecured Credit
Jade Rock Enterprises LLC EZ Unsecured (Or Jade Rock Enterprises) Shady Scam artist? You be the judge
Consumer Report

USA Gold
Plain & Simple - This Card is shit

Hoodia Burn Fat
Ripoff SCAM CHARGES scammed my credit card three times!, Dr. William J Tomlin
This is a Scam... They are acting like a legit site

Ugly duckling car Sales
The Duck has Ugly ripoff ways of doing business. Ugly Duckling used car sales ripoff

Global Financial
Ripoff, scam for unsecured mastercard you will get nothing!
Orbitz is full of shit!