Usa Platinum
USA Platinum ripoff con artist fake ripoff Uiniontown

Business & Finance

My husband and I recieved an email stating he had been approved for a credit card with 7,500 limit if we applied for certain services i. E roadside asistance, free credit report. We are trying to rebuild credit so we applied and money was taken out of our checking account, however we began noticing things like, they lied they said that 10% was to be put down on purchases.

Atleast thats what we were told at first then it suddenly went up to 20% then half down and the prices were outrageous notebook computers for 4000.00 when you can get the same exact one at a local circuit city for 1200.00

Any ways we logged on to try to see if they had any new information on the free credit report and the website is gone. How are you suppose to shop with a website that doesn't exist. I will continue to watch my checking account to see if more money is taken out but this is a disgrace.

How is a site like this even allowed on the internet they rip people off in different ways. My advice to the ones that had over 200.00 taken from them seek LAWYERS now!!!

lorain, Ohio
United States Minor Outlying Islands

Company: Usa Platinum
Country: USA
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