Chase Playstation Credit Card
Chase / Sony Playstation card tells lies

Business & Finance

I called because of a $15 penanty due to their computer system error. They asked me to pay in full and I did. They told me to call back after a day or two once the balance to get the $15 refund. I asked them if they have log in their computer system and they say yes. I can just call and they will give me refund. I call again today and talk to a CS. He told me there is no such log. I talked to their manager and he told me the only way I can do is to mail in a written letter and they will decide if I am eligible for the refund. What a liar. I don't care about this $15 but it is shameful that a company like this big will tell a lie. Not trustworthy.

Company: Chase Playstation Credit Card
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Athens
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