US Bank

Business & Finance

I just switched to US Bank and now have realized that they make their credit card payment due dates 5 days earlier if you pay the balance in full and on time the month before. If you don't pay the entire balance you get an extra 5 days before it's due next month. This might be okay for people who can never pay the full amount, but in trying to be responsible and paying off my credit card every month I am forced to come up with the money 5 days earlier.

This is especially a problem for people like me who get paid twice a month. The first check goes mostly to rent and the second goes mostly to pay off my credit card bill. Because it is now due 5 days earlier for paying the last month on time I am forced to not be able to pay it all (because I will get paid 3 days from when it's due).

Maybe I'm crazy, but it doesn't seem right that their company can make your payment due 5 days earlier from paying ON TIME and IN FULL. It just doesn't make any sense to me and quite frankly feels like a way for them to make it harder to pay it off so they can charge you more interest fees.

I have emailed and called customer service representatives about this and none of them can help me (so they say). They say that this is just how it is. Please let me know if this is actually not so unusual, as I could be over reacting.

Company: US Bank
Country: USA
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US Bank
Makes payment on credit cards due 5 days earlier if you pay in full and on time the previous month

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