PM Idenity
Unallowed charges

Business & Finance

I'm being billed $29.95 monthly for who understands what and also the unfortunate point is I am being billed $29.95 by another organization named Solitude Matters. I didn't accept either of those costs anytime previously 6 months. I have no idea where they make it happen info or why they want to get this done to people. It simply isn't right and I'd like all the money-they took from me back.

Company: PM Idenity
Country: USA
State: Alabama
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Pipeline Data Processing
Unautherized fees poor customer service

US Search
Privacy Matters 123 Scam

PM Idenity
Fraudulant Charges


Auto charges after I cancelled

G Money Bank
Charging late fees when we have paid days before the due date! AND charging INTEREST rates for charges that we have already apind for months ago!

Acai a slim and Bromalite
Ordering a "free trial" and then getting billed bi-weekly

Tearing off people! Unauthorized costs!
Overlooked cancelation request

Privacy Matter
Charges by privacy matters and pmi idenity