Watch out. These guys are all talk. Very slanderous. You will pay and they will run!

Business & Finance

I was called by this company as a request for debt help. I made a unrepairable choice by hiring this company after a conversation with a fast talking salesperson. I had already chosen another company that was courteous and friendly but, I went with these con-artists because because they told me how bad the other company's were... This should have been my first clue to whom I was dealing with. After I was forced to sign the contract by scaring me to death, the rest goes down hill from there. I have had trouble with every payment I made and no customer service to help me. I did more research and found that the building they show on their website wasn't where they are located. They have no credentials. I am now going with a TASC company as I should have in the first place.

Company: Resqdebt
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Allen
Address: 1301 Central Expressway South, Suite 200
  <     >  


Micro Center Rockville
Despicable Customer Disrespect

Quickstart Store
Quickstart Store Uses Pressure Tactics on my Elderly Grandmother - Rip-Off Artists - Made web-page with pictures of another Vacation Lodge

21st Mortgage
Non-Mortgage holder forced to pay

Resqdebt And Resqstop
Promised credit card debt reduction for huge upfront fee

Direc tv complaints

High Profile Conceirge
Consumer Report

21st Mortgage
Awful company

National Debt Relief Group
Lifeguard Financial National Debt Relief Group will steal your $

Contacted me by e-mail said they could help me out of debt couple bucks for the Package

Threatening call