First Consummers National Bank
Ripoff banks business practices broke enough rules to cause the US Treasury Department to order FCNB to cease and desist all of it's transactions

Business & Finance

Like all other consummers who had previous dealing with FCNB, I'm a bit concerned about actions taken by the bank and wonder if they are trying to sell off the company at the tune of 226 million dollars before the true facts surface.

First of all it's very clear that the banks business practices broke enough rules to cause the US Treasury Dept. To order FCNB to cease and desist all of it's transactions. (Please see http://www.occ. Treas. Gov/FTP/EAs/ea40. Pdf) This action give further cause to be alarmed and ask myself if any of the practices in question defrauded me in any shape or form.

I think we all need to research and make sure that we as consummers were not charge additional fees or unnecessary interest rates charges that were not legal. I on my part feel I deserve an explantation and want assurance that in the 4 year period, I wasn't ripped-off by FCNB.

Company: First Consummers National Bank
Country: USA
State: Oregon
Address: FCNB PO BOX 5280
Phone: 8008763262
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